Saturday, August 31, 2019

Report on Mobile Banking

Table of content Tropic Introduction Part Introduction of the Report Mobile Banking Background Challenges for a Mobile Banking Solution Basic Mobile Banking Technologies Objectives of the Study Methodology of the Report Literature Review Analysis Part History of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh History of Mobile Banking in Abroad Features/Mobile Banking Services Advantages of Mobile Banking disadvantages of Mobile Banking Future Prospect of Mobile banking in Bangladesh: Current position of Bangladesh Findings & Recommendations Findings of the Report Recommendations of the study Conclusion Conclusion of the reportBibliography Reference Introduction Mobile Banking: Mobile banking (also known as M-Banking, m-banking, SMS Banking) is a term used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments, credit applications and other banking transactions through a mobile device such as a mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). The earliest mobile banking services were offered ov er SMS. With the introduction of the first primitive smart phones with WAP support enabling the use of the mobile web in 1999, the first European banks started to offer mobile banking on this platform to their customers.Mobile banking has until recently (2010) most often been performed via SMS or the Mobile Web. Apple's initial success with i-Phone and the rapid growth of phones based on Google's Android (operating system) have led to increasing use of special client programs, called apps, downloaded to the mobile device. A mobile banking conceptual model: In one academic model, mobile banking is defined as: Mobile Banking refers to provision and a ailment of banking and financial services with the help of mobile telecommunication devices.The scope of offered services may include facilities to conduct bank and stock market transactions, to administer accounts and to access customized information. According to this model Mobile Banking can be said to consist of three inter-related co ncepts: Mobile Accounting Mobile Brokerage Mobile Financial Information Services Most services in the categories designated Accounting and Brokerage are transaction- based. The non-transaction-based services of an informational nature are however essential for conducting transactions for instance, balance inquiries might be needed before committing a money remittance.The accounting and brokerage services are therefore offered invariably in combination with information services. Information services, on the other hand, may be offered as an independent module. Mobile phone banking may also be used to help in business given situations: Trends in mobile banking: Over the last few years, the mobile and wireless market has been one of the fastest growing markets in the world and it is still growing at a rapid pace. According to the GSM Association and Ovum, the number of mobile subscribers exceeded 2 billion in September 2005, and now exceeds 2. billion (of which more than 2 billion are G SM). According to a study by financial consultancy Client, 35% of online banking households will be using mobile banking by 2010, up from less than 1% today. Upwards of 70% of bank center call volume is projected to come from mobile phones. Mobile banking will eventually allow users to make payments at the physical point of sale. â€Å"Mobile contact less payments† will make up 10% of the contact less market by 2010. Another study from 2010 by Berg Insight forecasts that the number of mobile banking users in the US will grow from 12 million in 2009 to 86 million in 2015.The same study also predicts that the European market will grow from 7 million mobile banking users in 2009 to 115 million users in 2015. Many believe that mobile users have just started to fully utilize the data capabilities in their mobile phones. In Asian countries like India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Philippines, where mobile infrastructure is comparatively better than the fixed-line infrastructure , and in European countries, where mobile phone penetration is very high (at least 80% of consumers use a mobile phone), mobile banking is likely to appeal even more.Mobile banking business models: A wide spectrum of Mobile banking models is evolving. However, no matter what business model, if mobile banking is being used to attract low-income populations in often rural locations, the business model will depend on banking agents, i. e. , retail or postal outlets that process financial transactions on behalf telcos or banks. The banking agent is an important part of the mobile banking business model since customer care, service quality, and cash management will depend on them.Many telcos will work through their local airtime resellers. However, banks in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and other markets use pharmacies, bakeries, etc. These models differ primarily on the question that who will establish the relationship (account opening, deposit taking, lending etc. ) to the end customer, the Bank or the Non- Bank/Telecommunication Company (Telco). Another difference lies in the nature of agency agreement between bank and the Non-Bank.Models of branchless banking can be classified into three broad categories – Bank Focused, Bank-Led and Nonbank-Led. Bank-focused model: The bank-focused model emerges when a traditional bank uses non-traditional low-cost delivery channels to provide banking services to its existing customers. Examples- range from use of automatic teller machines (ATMs) to internet banking or mobile phone banking to provide certain limited banking services to banks’ customers. This model is additive in nature and may be seen as a modest extension of conventional branch-based banking.Bank-led model: The bank-led model offers a distinct alternative to conventional branch-based banking in that customer conducts financial transactions at a whole range of retail agents (or through mobile phone) instead of at bank branches or through bank employees. This model promises the potential to substantially increase the financial services outreach by using a different delivery channel (retailers/ mobile phones), a different trade partner (telco / chain store) having experience and target market distinct from traditional banks, and may be significantly cheaper than the bank-based alternatives.Non-bank-led model: The non-bank-led model is where a bank has a limited role in the day-to-day account management. Typically its role in this model is limited to safekeeping of funds. Account management functions are conducted by a non-bank (e. g. telco) who has direct contact with individual customers. Mobile Banking Background: A woman counts her cash after a withdrawal from the first cash point machine in London, in 1967. For 30 years, financial institutions have been on a quest to satisfy their customers’ need for more convenience.First came the automated teller machine (ATM), which New York’s Chemical Bank introduced to the Ame rican public in 1969. It did little more than dispense cash at first, but the ATM evolved over time to become a true bank-away-from- bank, providing a full suite of financial transactions. Then come Internet banking in the mid-1990s, which enabled consumers to access their financial accounts using a home computer with an Internet connection. Despite its promise of ultimate convenience, online banking saw slow and tentative growth as banks worked out technology issues and built consumer trust.Today, Internet banking has reached a critical mass, with about 35 percent of U. S. households conducting bank transactions online. Not so with mobile phones. They can be carried anywhere and are — by an enormous number of people. More than 238 million people in the U. S. have mobile phones. That’s a whopping 78 percent of the population. And worldwide there are more than 3. 25 billion mobile phone subscribers, with penetration topping 100 percent in Europe. If mobile phones only d elivered voice data, then their use as a vehicle to deliver banking services would be limited.Most phones, however, also provide text-messaging capabilities, and a growing number are Web-enabled. That makes the mobile phone an ideal medium through which banks can deliver a wide variety of services. Banks classify these services based on how information flows. A pull transaction is one in which a mobile phone user actively requests a service or information from the bank. For example, inquiring about an account balance is a pull transaction. So is transferring funds, paying a bill or requesting a transaction history.Because banks must respond or take some action based on the user request, pull transactions are considered two-way exchanges. A push transaction, on the other hand, is one in which the bank sends information based on a set of rules. A minimum balance alert is a good example of a push transaction. The customer defines the rule — â€Å"Tell me when my balance gets be low $100† — and the bank generates an automatic message any time that rule applies. Similar alerts can be sent whenever there is a debit transaction or a bill payment. As these examples illustrate, push transactions are generally one way, from he bank to the customer. We can also classify mobile banking based on the nature of the service: Transaction-based services, such as a funds transfer or a bill payment, involve movement of funds from one source to another. Inquiry-based services don’t. They simply require a response to a user query. The chart below summarizes these various types of mobile banking services: Push Pull Funds transfer Transaction Bill payment Share trade Check order Minimum balance Account balance inquiry Inquiry alert Account statement inquiry Credit/debit alert Check status inquiry Bill payment alert Transaction historyClearly, push transactions are not as complex as their pull counterparts. Mobile banking solutions also vary in their degre e of complexity, and some only offer a fraction of the services you would find in a bricks-and-mortar branch. In this respect, mobile banking isn't always full-service banking. The factors that affect this are the type of phone being used, the service plan of the mobile subscriber and the technology framework of the bank. We’ll look at these technologies next. Challenges for a Mobile Banking Solution: Key challenges in developing sophisticated mobile banking applications are: Handset operability:There are a large number of different mobile phone devices and it is a big challenge for banks to offer mobile banking solution on any type of device. Some of these devices support Java ME and others support SIM Application Toolkit, a WAP browser, or only SMS. Initial interoperability issues however have been localized, with countries like India using portals like R-World to enable the limitations of low end java based phones, while focus on areas such as South Africa have defaulted t o the USSD as a basis of communication achievable with any phone.The desire for interoperability is largely dependent on the banks themselves, where installed applications (Java based or native) provide better security, are easier to use and allow development of more complex capabilities similar to those of internet banking while SMS can provide the basics but becomes difficult to operate with more complex transactions. There is a myth that there is a challenge of interoperability between mobile banking applications due to perceived lack of common technology standards for mobile banking.In practice it is too early in the service lifecycle for interoperability to be addressed within an individual country, as very few countries have more than one mobile banking service provider. In practice, banking interfaces are well defined and money movements between banks follow the IS0-8583 standard. As mobile banking matures, money movements between service providers will naturally adopt the sa me standards as in the banking world. On January 2009, Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Banking Sub-Committee, chaired by CellTrust and VeriSign Inc. published the Mobile Banking Overview for financial institutions in which it discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Channel Platforms such as Short Message Services (SMS), Mobile Web, Mobile Client Applications, SMS with Mobile Web and Secure SMS. Security: Security of financial transactions, being executed from some remote location and transmission of financial information over the air, are the most complicated challenges that need to be addressed jointly by mobile application developers, wireless network service providers and the banks' IT departments.The following aspects need to be addressed to offer a secure infrastructure for financial transaction over wireless network: Physical part of the hand-held device. If the bank is offering smart-card based security, the physical security of the device is more important. Security of any thick-client application running on the device. In case the device is stolen, the hacker should require at least an ID/Password to access the application. Authentication of the device with service provider before initiating a transaction.This would ensure that unauthorized devices are not connected to perform financial transactions. User ID / Password authentication of bank’s customer. Encryption of the data being transmitted over the air. Encryption of the data that will be stored in device for later / off-line analysis by the customer. One-time passwords (OTP’s) is the latest tool used by financial and banking service providers in the fight against cyber fraud. Instead of relying on traditional memorized passwords, OTPs are requested by consumers each time they want to perform transactions using the online or mobile banking interface.When the request is received the password is sent to the consumer’s phone via SMS. The password is expired once it has been used or once its scheduled life-cycle has expired. Because of the concerns made explicit above, it is extremely important that SMS gateway providers can provide a decent quality of service for banks and financial institutions in regards to SMS services. Therefore, the provision of service level agreements (SLAs) is a requirement for this industry; it is necessary to give the bank customer delivery guarantees of all messages, as well as measurements on the speed of delivery, throughput, etc.SLAs give the service parameters in which a messaging solution is guaranteed to perform. Application distribution: Due to the nature of the connectivity between bank and its customers, it would be impractical to expect customers to regularly visit banks or connect to a web site for regular upgrade of their mobile banking application. It will be expected that the mobile application itself check the upgrades and updates and download necessary patches (so called â€Å"Over the Airâ €  updates). However, there could be many issues to implement this approach such as upgrade / synchronization of other dependent components.Basic Mobile Banking Technologies: There are four fundamental approaches to mobile banking. The first two rely on technologies that are standard features on almost all cell phones. Interactive Voice Response (IVR): If we have ever called our credit card issuer and meander through a confusion of prompts — â€Å"For English, press 1; for account information, press 2† — then you’re familiar with interactive voice response. In mobile banking, it works like this: Banks advertise a set of numbers to their customers. Customers dial an IVR number on their mobile phones. They are greeted by a stored electronic message followed by a menu of options. Customers select an option by pressing the corresponding number on their keypads. A text-to-speech program reads out the desired information. IVR is the least sophisticated an d the least â€Å"mobile† of all the solutions. In fact, it doesn’t require a mobile phone at all. It also only allows for inquiry-based transactions, so customers can’t use it for more advanced services. ObjectiveThis report focuses on the role of Mobile Banking and its potential to provide basic banking services to the vast majority of unbanked people in world. The rationale for M- banking as an appropriate tool for transforming banking stems from two observations; traditional retail banks do not deliver services tailored to fit the currently unbanked which has led to a gap in the market. Further, the fast diffusion of mobile telecom networks has enabled M-banking service operators to draw on the geographic coverage of mobile networks and diverse needs of the client base.Hence, the common assumption behind M- Banking ventures is the potential of mobile phones as a channel for undertaking financial transactions. The objective of the study is to take a fresh loo k at the current M-Banking experience in a selected number of countries using primary and secondary data from the existing pool of literature. Methodology The study has been done mainly based on primary and secondary sources of data or information. The first is an exploratory research based on secondary data obtained through the Net, books and related journals.Secondly, survey questionnaire was administered to empirically assess the level of adoption of m-banking in Bangladesh including different publications: (i) Bangladesh Institution of Bank Management (ii) Bank for International Standard Working (iii) Papers International and local Publications (iv) Different seminar papers (v) Information from Internet Data collection procedure Primary data sources: Primary data has been collected from Dhaka based some selected banks e. g. Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. , BRAC Bank Ltd†¦ These banks are considered as the private commercial banks and foreign banks respectively.Primary data collecti ons are done by the interviewing method with proper questionnaire. Secondary data sources: Secondary data has been collected from different publication material and web site as well as the books and material from different libraries, the hand note of the various seminars. Literature Review El-Sherbini et al. (2007) Investigated the customers' perspectives of mobile banking, their perceived importance for it, usage patterns and problems rising on its utilization. The paper discussed the strategic implications of the research findings.Empirical data were gathered from bank customers in Kuwait to achieve the research objectives. All bank customers in Kuwait were considered as population of research interest. The results showed the perceived importance of internet banking services by customers, current and potential use of MB services in Kuwait and problems perceived by bank customers in using MB. The researchers' main hypothesis tested that top five services considered relative importa nt in Kuwait banks were â€Å"Review account balance†, â€Å"Obtain detailed transactions histories, â€Å"Open accounts†, Pay bills† and Transfer funds between own accounts†. Sathye (1999)Analyzed the factors affecting the adoption of Mobile banking by Australian consumers. His sample was from individual residents and business firms in Australia. The study focused on the capital cities where use of mobile internet and population was likely to be high. White and yellow pages were used as the frame of reference for personal and business customers, respectively. The findings suggest that security concerns and lack of awareness about mobile banking and its benefits stand out as being the obstacles to the adoption of mobile banking in Australia. He also suggests some of the ways to address these impediments.Further, he suggests that delivery of financial services over the Internet should be a part of overall customer service and distribution strategy. These me asures could help in rapid migration of customers to mobile Internet banking, resulting in considerable savings in operating costs for banks. Rotchanakitumanuai and Speece (2003) Investigated why corporate customers do not accept mobile banking, which can assist banks to implement this self-service technology more efficiently. Many Thai banks are currently implementing mobile banking. Banks that offer service via this channel claim that it reduces costs and makes them more competitive.However, many corporate customers are not highly enthusiastic about mobile banking. They used in-depth qualitative interviews methodology for collecting their data. The interviews with Thai firms suggested that security of the Internet is a major factor inhibiting wider adoption. Those already using Internet banking seem to have more confidence that the system is reliable, whereas non-users are much more service conscious, and do not trust financial transactions made via Internet channels. Non-mobile b anking users tend to have more negative management attitudes toward adoption and are more likely to claim lack of resources.Legal support is also a major barrier to Internet banking adoption for corporate customers. Ahmed Ali said†¦ I think I should clarify some of the suggestions you gave. 1. I agree that GP should have an option to link to bank accounts. But until now they have refused to allow such a link. 8 Banks already have this technology but GP has prevented them from serving GP customers. Banks have taken the initiative but GP has stopped it just because they can and thinking that their proposal will pass. 2. Yes GP will not pay interest. But that doesn't stop GP from earning interest on this money (the simply put it together and put it in a FDR) 3.As much as GP wants you to belive, Bangladesh isn't the only country where there are more mobile users than bank users. (I will get into that in another article). None of those countries are considering GP's version of mobil e banking. 4. Short term deposits are more crucial to the banking industry than what you estimate. Nowhere in the world has a mobile company been put in charge of short term deposits. GP clearly didn't have good intentions. Otherwise all the foreign banks wouldn't group with local banks to oppose this outlandish proposal. Again this is not only me that feel this way.The entire world acted in opposition to GP's Mobile Banking Thesis. GP's Mobile Banking is not the same as ‘Mobile Banking' History of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh â€Å"Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited† (DBBL) has for the first time introduced its mobile banking service expanding the banking service from cities to remote areas. Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman yesterday inaugurated the service by depositing Tk 2,000 and withdrawing Tk 1,500 through Banglalink and Citycell mobile networks in Motijheel area. Bangladesh Bank has already allowed 10 banks to initiate mobile banking. Of them DBBL kicked off first. Mobile banking is an alternative to the traditional banking through which banking service can be reached at the doorsteps of the deprived section of the society,† the central bank governor said at an inaugural press briefing at Hotel Purbani. Atiur Rahman said through mobile banking various banking services including depositing and withdrawing money, payment of utility bills and reaching remittance to the recipient would be possible. By going to the DBBL-approved Citycell and Banglalink agents throughout the country the subscribers on showing necessary papers and payment of a fee of Tk 10 can open an account.To avail of the banking service a subscriber will require owning a cell phone of any provider and he will be given a four-digit PIN. By using the PIN he can operate all types of banking services including depositing and withdrawing money maintaining security and secrecy of his account. The customer will hand over cash to the agent and the agent will initiate the transactio n from his mobile phone, the agent will help the account holder to do the banking using his PIN. A customer can deposit or withdraw money five times a day and he can deposit or draw Tk 5,000 per day.One percent of the transaction account or Tk 5, whichever is higher, will be taken as cash-in-charges. In case of cash out the charge will be 2 percent of the transaction amount or Tk 10. However, the registration fee, salary and remittance disbursement services will be provided free of cost. Features/Services of DBBL Mobile Banking: Customer Registration Cash-in (cash deposit) Cash-out (cash withdrawal) Merchant Payment Utility Payment Salary Disbursement Foreign Remittance Air-time Top-up Fund Transfer BRAC Bank Limited† is set to introduce mobile banking secondly, a top official said the service will enable millions of banked and unbanked people to deposit, withdraw and transfer money through mobile phones. BKash, a joint venture between BRAC Bank and US-based Money in Motion, will provide mobile banking with a fully encrypted VISA technology platform for transactions through mobile phones. Any mobile user can register and open up a bKash account and then do transactions through their mobile phones in easy, convenient and reliable way. bKash will fundamentally change the way people now do transactions, as all transactions will be possible through mobile phones in future,† said Syed Mahbubur Rahman, managing director of the bank. â€Å"Customers will not need to come to the bank; rather the bank will go to them,† he said at a press conference in Dhaka on the occasion of its 10th founding anniversary. The bank said a bKash account will act as a digital mobile wallet and anybody can take the service. â€Å"Your mobile phone will become your wallet. Customers can get financial services through phones, even by the handset that costs the lowest,† Rahman said.Under a partnership with UNDP and Local Government Division, bKash is rollin g out mobile banking in 4,501 union parishads in the country. bKash has already signed a deal with a leading mobile operator and is in talks with others to enable all mobile users — currently around 7. 5 crore — to have individual digital wallets, said Mamdudur Rashid, deputy managing director of the bank. BRAC Bank launched its operation 10 years back with the objective of bringing unbanked people under formal banking coverage. The business model of the bank is to mobilise deposits from urban areas and disburse it to rural areas.The country's youngest bank has already set some records: it has acquired over 12 lakh customers, bringing full banking services not only to small and medium enterprises, but all strata of the banking industry, said the bank â€Å"Being the youngest Bangladeshi bank, we have emerged as the largest SME bank serving about 3. 65 lakh entrepreneurs at grassroots level, an achievement that helped global recognition for this Bangladeshi bank,† said Rashid The bank believes in 3P philosophy — people, planet and profit and has been active in Green banking.It has already turned 22 of its SME Unit Offices solar-powered and plans to convert the rest in the same manner by 2012. History of Mobile Banking in Abroad: Improving access to financial services, such as savings, deposits, insurance and remittances, is vital to reducing poverty. Savings can help poor people to invest in productive assets like livestock, a loan may help to expand business activities, and insurance can provide income for a family if a breadwinner becomes sick. In many developing countries, however, 9 out of 10 people do not have a bank account or access to basic financial services.Poor people are often not considered viable customers by the formal financial sector as their transaction sizes are small, and many live in remote areas beyond the reach of banks branch networks. Informal banking services such as microfinance and village savings and loan associations remain limited in their reach. The first mobile banking and payment initiatives were announced during 1999 (the same year that Fundamo deployed their first prototype). The first major deployment was made by a company called Pay box (largely supported financially by Deutsche Bank).The company was founded by two young German’s (Mathias Entemann and Eckart Ortwein) and successfully deployed the solution in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain and the UK. At about 2003 more than a million people were registered on Pay box and the company were rated by Gartner as the leader in the field. Unfortunately Deutsche Bank withdraws their financial support and the company had to reorganise quickly. All but the operations in Austria closed down. Another early starter and also identified as a leader in the field was a Spanish initiative (backed by BBVA and Telephonica), called Mobi Pago.The name was later changed to Mobi Pay and all banks and mobile operators in Spain were invited to join. The product was launched in 2003 and many retailers were acquired to accept the special USSD payment confirmation. Because of the complex shareholding and the constant political challenges of the different owners, the product never fulfilled the promise that it had. With no marketing support and no compelling reason for adoption, this initiative is floundering at the moment. Many other large players announced initiatives and ran pilots with big fanfare, but never showed traction and all initiatives were ultimately discontinued.Some of the early examples are the famous vending machines at the Helsinki airport supported by a system from Nokia. Siemens made announcements in conjunction with listed and high-flying German e-commerce company, Brokat. Brokat also won the lucrative Vodafone contract in 2002, but crashed soon afterwards when it runs out of funds. Israel (as can be expected) produced a large number of mobile payment start-ups. Of the many, only one survived – Trivnet. Others like Adamtech (with a technically sound solution called Cell pay) and Paytt disappeared after a number of pilots but without any successful production deployments.Initiatives in Norway, Sweden and France never got traction. France Telecom launched an ambitious product based on a special mobile phone with an integrated card reader. The solution worked well, but never became popular because of the unattractive, special phone that participants needed in order to perform these payments. Since 2004, mobile banking and payment industry has come of age. Successful deployments with positive business cases and big strategic impact have been seen recently. Features/Mobile Banking Services (In General):Mobile banking can offer services such as the following: 1) Account Information: Mini-statements and checking of account history Alerts on account activity or passing of set thresholds Monitoring of term deposits Access to loan statements Access to card statements Mutual fu nds / equity statements Insurance policy management Pension plan management 2) Payment, Deposits, Withdrawals & Transfers: Domestic and international fund transfers Micro-payment handling Mobile recharging Commercial payment processing Bill payment processingA specific sequence of SMS messages will enable the system to verify if the client has sufficient funds in his or her wallet and authorize a deposit or withdrawal transaction at the agent. When depositing money, the merchant receives cash and the system credits the client's bank account or mobile wallet. In the same way the client can also withdraw money at the merchant: through exchanging sms to provide authorization, the merchant hands the client cash and debits the merchant's account. 3) Investments: Portfolio management services Real-time stock quotes Personalized alerts and notifications on security prices 4) Support: ? Status of requests for credit, including mortgage approval, and insurance coverage Check (cheq ue) book and card requests Exchange of data messages and email, including complaint submission and tracking 5) Content Services: General information such as weather updates, news Loyalty-related offers Location-based services Based on a survey conducted by Forrester, mobile banking will be attractive mainly to the younger, more â€Å"tech-savvy† customer segment. A third of mobile phone users say that they may consider performing some kind of financial transaction through their mobile phone.But most of the users are interested in performing basic transactions such as querying for account balance and making bill payment. Advantages of Mobile Banking: The biggest advantage that mobile banking offers to banks is that it drastically cuts down the costs of providing service to the customers. For example an average teller or phone transaction costs about $2. 36 each, whereas an electronic transaction costs only about $0. 10 each. Additionally, this new channel gives the bank ab ility to cross-sell up-sell their other complex banking products and services such as vehicle loans, credit cards etc.For service providers, Mobile banking offers the next surest way to achieve growth. Countries like Korea where mobile penetration is nearing saturation, mobile banking is helping service providers increase revenues from the now static subscriber base. Service providers are increasingly using the complexity of their supported mobile banking services to attract new customers and retain old ones. A very effective way of improving customer service could be to inform customers better. Credit card fraud is one such area.A bank could, through the use of mobile technology, inform owners each time purchases above a certain value have been made on their card. This way the owner is always informed when their card is used, and how much money was taken for each transaction. Similarly, the bank could remind customers of outstanding loan repayment dates, dates for the payment of mo nthly installments or simply tell them that a bill has been presented and is up for payment. The customers can then check their balance on the phone and authorize the required amounts for payment. The customers can also request for additional information.They can automatically view deposits and withdrawals as they occur and also pre- schedule payments to be made or cheques to be issued. Similarly, one could also request for services like stop cheque or issue of a cheque book over one’s mobile phone. There are number of reasons that should persuade banks in favor of mobile phones. They are set to become a crucial part of the total banking services experience for the customers. Also, they have the potential to bring down costs for the bank itself. Through mobile messaging and other such interfaces, banks provide value added services to the customer at marginal costs.Such messages also bear the virtue of being targeted and personal making the services offered more effective. The y will also carry better results on account of better customer profiling. Yet another benefit is the anywhere/anytime characteristics of mobile services. A mobile is almost always with the customer. As such it can be used over a vast geographical area. The customer does not have to visit the bank ATM or a branch to avail of the bank’s services. Research indicates that the number of footfalls at a bank’s branch has fallen down drastically after the installation of ATMs.As such with mobile services, a bank will need to hire even less employees as people will no longer need to visit bank branches apart from certain occasions. With Indian telecom operators working on offering services like money transaction over a mobile, it may soon be possible for a bank to offer phone based credit systems. This will make credit cards redundant and also aid in checking credit card fraud apart from offering enhanced customer convenience. The use of mobile technologies is thus a winwin pro position for both the banks and the bank’s customers.The banks add to this personalized communication through the process of automation. For instance, if the customer asks for his account or card balance after conducting a transaction, the installed software can send him an automated reply informing of the same. These automated replies thus save the bank the need to hire additional employees for servicing customer needs. Disadvantages of Mobile Banking: Security: Security experts generally agree that mobile banking is safer than computer banking because very few viruses and Trojans exist for phones.That does not mean mobile banking is immune to security threats, however. Mobile users are especially susceptible to a phishing-like scam called â€Å"smishing. † It happens when a mobile banking user receives a fake text message asking for bank account details from a hacker posing as a financial institution. Many people have fallen for this trick and had money stolen throug h this scam. Online banking is usually done through an encrypted connection so that hackers cannot read transmitted data, but consider the consequences if your mobile device is stolen.While all banking applications require us to enter a password or PIN, many people configure their mobile devices to save passwords, or use insecure passwords and PINs that are easy to guess. Compatibility: We need a smart phone to get the most out of mobile banking. Mobile banking is not available on every device. Some banks do not provide mobile banking at all. Others require you to use a custom mobile banking application only available on the most popular smart phones, such as the Apple iPhone and RIM Blackberry. Third-party mobile banking software is not always supported.If we do not own a smart phone, the types of mobile banking we can do are usually limited. Checking bank account balances via text message is not a problem, but more advanced features such as account transfers are generally not avai lable to users of â€Å"dumb phones. † Cost: The cost of mobile banking might not appear significant if we already have a compatible device, but we still need to pay data and text messaging fees. Some financial institutions charge an extra fee for mobile banking service, and we may need to pay a fee for software.These extra charges quickly add up, especially if we access mobile banking. Future Prospect of Mobile banking in Bangladesh: Based on the ‘International Review of Business Research Papers' from World business Institute, Australia, following are the key functional trends possible in world of Mobile Banking. With the advent of technology and increasing use of smart phone and tablet based devices, the use of Mobile Banking functionality would enable customer connect across entire customer life cycle much comprehensively than before.With this scenario, current mobile banking objectives of say building relationships, reducing cost, achieving new revenue stream will t ransform to enable new objectives targeting higher level goals such as building brand of the banking organization. Emerging technology and functionalities would enable to create new ways of lead generation, prospecting as well as developing deep customer relationship and mobile banking world would achieve superior customer experience with bi-directional communications.Illustration of objective based functionality enrichment In Mobile Banking Communication enrichment: – Video Interaction with agents, advisors. Pervasive Transactions capabilities: – Comprehensive â€Å"Mobile wallet† Customer Education: – â€Å"Test drive† for demos of banking services Connect with new customer segment: – Connect with Gen Y – Gen Z using games and social network ambushed to surrogate bank’s offerings Content monetization: – Micro level revenue themes such as music, e-book download Vertical positioning: – Positioning offerings over m obile banking specific industriesHorizontal positioning: – Positioning offerings over mobile banking across all the industries Personalization of corporate banking services: – Personalization experience for multiple roles and hierarchies in corporate banking as against the vanilla based segment based enhancements in the current context. Build Brand: – Built the bank’s brand while enhancing the â€Å"Mobile real estate†. Current position of Bangladesh: Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is the first bank in Bangladesh, who introduced mobile banking service to bring poor people from remote area under smart banking service.Bangladesh Bank has already allowed 10 banks to initiate mobile banking with the aim to connect the deprived section of the society with the modern banking system; DBBL is the first runner among of them. DBBL is operating this new innovative banking service through Banglalink and Citycell mobile operator and their approved agents thro ughout the country. One can create a bank account visiting any of the approved agents showing proper documents with a fee of Tk 10. Subscriber must own a mobile phone to get the service.Once the account is created, a 4 digit mobile banking PIN code will be provided to perform all sort of banking activities securely and secretly. Subscriber can withdraw and deposit cash amount from his mobile going to the agents and agents will guide and help the customers if there is any difficulty. Since, mobile network is extremely insecure and data are sent unencrypted, a customer can deposit or withdraw money five times a day and he can deposit or draw Tk 5,000 per day. One percent of the transaction amount or Tk 5, whichever is higher, will be taken as cash-in-charges.In case of cash out the charge will be 2 percent of the transaction amount or Tk 10. However, the registration fee, salary and remittance disbursement services will be provided free of cost. M-banking has become one of the most fa miliar banking service providing technologies in different western countries. Now-a-days billions of inhabitants of Bangladesh are within a network through mobile network coverage. But in the commercial sectors like banking, m-commerce technology has not been adopted broadly yet.Considering m- commerce perspective in Bangladesh a SMS based m-banking system has been proposed which is able to provide several essential banking services only sending SMS to bank server from any remote location. This proposed system is divided into five major phases: interfacing module, SMS technology adoption module, SMS banking registration module, service generation module, and data failover module. This system facilitates bank customers by providing four major services like balance enquiry , balance transfer between authenticated customers, DPS payment and bill payment without going to bank physically and save their precious time.At least, after evaluating each module of this developed system a satisf actory accuracy rate 93. 18 % is obtained. Findings In this assignment we can see some Findings Mobile Banking drastically cuts down the costs of providing service to the customers. Service providers are increasingly using the complexity of their supported mobile banking services to attract new customers and retain old ones. A very effective way of improving customer service could be to inform customers better. Credit card fraud is one such area.The banks add to this personalized communication through the process of automation. Mobile banking is not available on every device. Some banks do not provide mobile banking at al. The cost of mobile banking might not appear significant if we already have a compatible device, but we still need to pay data and text messaging fees. Recommendation In this assignment we have some suggestion about mobile banking All banks should provide this opportunity than mobile banking limitation can be reduced. Government should provide help about mobile b anking. ? Rules and Regulations must be stricken about mobile banking. Conclusion Mobile banking is suspended to become the big killer mobile application arena. However, banks going mobile the first time need to step the path cautiously. The biggest decision that banks need to make is the channel that they will support their services on. Mobile banking through an SMS based service would require the lowest amount of effort, in terms of cost and time, but will not be able to support the full breath of transaction-based services.However, in markets like India where a bulk of the mobile population users' phones can only support SMS based services, this might be the only option left. On the other hand a market heavily segmented by the type and complexity of mobile phone usage might be good place to roll of WAP based mobile applications. According to the Gartner Group, mobile banking services will have to support a minimum of 50 different device profiles in the near future. However, curre ntly the best user experience, depending on the capabilities of a mobile phone, is possible only by using a standalone client..Mobile Application based banking is poised to be a big m-commerce feature, and if South Korea's foray into mass mobile banking is any indication, mobile banking could well be the driving factor to increase sales of high-end mobile phones. Nevertheless, Bank's need to take a hard and deep look into the mobile usage patterns among their target customers and enable their mobile services on a technology with reaches out to the majority of their customers. Reference 1. www. google. om 2. www. answer. com 3. The Daily star-Friday, July 22, 2011 http://www. thedailystar. net/newDesign/news-details. php? nid=195176 4. Dutch bangle bank ltd Mobile banking http://www. dutchbanglabank. com/electronic_banking/mobile_banking. html 5. BRAC Bank mobile bank news. 6. Shirali S. and Shirali S. M. H. , â€Å"Mobile Banking Services in the Bank Area,† SICE Annual Confer ence, Kagawa University, Japan, pp. 2682- 2685, September 17-20, 2007. 7. Taiton Al. and Sorensen C. â€Å"Supporting Mobile Professional in Global Banking: The Role of Global ICT-Support Call Centers,† IEEE Transaction, Proceeding of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. 8. Benamati, J. S. , ; Serva, M. A. (2007). Trust and distrust in online banking: Their role in developing countries. Information Technology for Development, 13(2), 161-175. 9. Brown, I. , Cajee, Z. , Davies, D. , ; Stroebel, S. (2003). Cell phone banking: Predictors of adoption in South Africa–an exploratory study. International Journal of Information Management, 23(5), 381-394. 0. Burt, R. S. (1992). Structural holes: The social structure of competition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 11. Castells, M. (1996). The rise of the network society (Vol. 1). Malden, MA: Blackwell. 12. Chipchase, J. , Persson, P. , Piippo, P. , Aarras, M. , & Yamamoto, T. (2005). Mobile ess entials: field study and concepting. Paper presented at the 2005 Conference on Designing for User eXperience. From http://portal. acm. org/citation. cfm? id=1138301 13. And many other PDF report on Mobile Banking collect from internet

Friday, August 30, 2019

Limitations of financial ratios as a tool to evaluate financial performance Essay

Although financial ratios play a critical role in allowing investors and analysts to give appropriate predictions and a measure of how the company will perform in the future years in terms of stock prices and profitability but a measure problem with these ratios is that they are based on historical data and therefore an attempt to look into the future with the use of these ratios is risky and exposes investors to different kinds of risks such as inflation, cross-border risk and other business related risks. Another limitation of these ratios is related to there limited use on there own. Certain ratios are insignificant unless they compared with the older data or industry averages. This is a main reason why most analysts want to compare a company’s financial ratio with the industry figures. This also means that an understanding of the business and industry must be there with the investor before a decision is made with regards to purchasing the stock of a company. We also see that firms and their finance departments do try their best to inflate results and window dress the balance sheet and profit and loss figures. This can lead to over estimated revenues and understated costs which might be discovered later. Therefore it is important to look at different ratios and notes to the statements before conclusions are drawn. There is also a case for companies that have defaulted or there have been instances where scams have been caught and reported by the securities companies and other government departments. Some of the financial ratios also might be impacted by the sudden change in a particular factor or some economic factor that might have a short-term affect on the performance of the company’s bottom line and earnings per share. To counter this short-term possibility analyst must look at both technical and fundamental analysis before deciding the long-term view on the company. Another issue with financial ratios is that it does not take into account off-balance sheet items that might play a significant role in the profitability and revenue generation of a company this is a case especially for investment banks. We also see that financial ratios only use accounting data and not economic data. This is also a downside to financial ratios as only limited data is being used to come to important conclusions. (Financial modeling guide, n. d. ) Conclusion MITIE is a strong group with businesses in strategically strong markets where long-term view is extremely positive. The company has strong financials with a prudent policy of avoiding debt in uncertain times. The company has done well considering the difficult time that has been presented by the economic recession and worldwide financial crunch. The company’s profitability looks stronger as we move into 2010 and beyond. The company also has huge potential in business areas such as infrastructure management and property works especially within the public sector. We say so because a lot of options will be available and a number of opportunities present themselves specifically in the government sector. (Reilly & Brown, 2003) The financial analysis reveals important stuff about the company; firstly the company has very few assets backed by long-term borrowing which shows that the company has an opportunity to raise finances by leveraging its balance sheet. This could be very effective if some strategic capital is bought or expansion is sought by the company. We also see great potential as the liquidity and cash position of the company s very impressive this is the case because it is very difficult to manipulate important data in the cash flow statement and the cash flow figures therefore a good performance in that sector shows great potential and the healthy performance of the company. Essentially what is of utmost importance for the company is the fact that it has successfully faced the lowest points of the economic cycle and more importantly it ensured that it developed adequate policies to handle the recessionary times so that in future when liquidity crunch will strike again the company will have adequate measures in place. Appendix Bibliography: Baker. H, Powell. G, 2005. Understanding financial management: a practical guide. Blackwell Publishing Financial Modeling Guide, n. d. Limitations of Financial Ratios in Financial Modeling. Viewed February 6, 2010. < http://www. financialmodelingguide. com/financial-ratios/financial-ratio-limitations/> MITIE, 2010. Investors at MITIE, viewed February 7, 2010 < http://www. mitie. com/investors> MITIE, 2010. About us, viewed February 7, 2010 < http://www. mitie. com/about-us> MITIE, 2010. Annual Report 2009, viewed February 7, 2010 < http://www. mitie. com/investors_reports-and-presentations_2009_MITIE-Group-PLC-Annual-Report-2009> Reilly, K Frank & Brown, 2003. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Cengage South-Western Publisher.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Marketing principles for organizations

1. Marketing PhilosophyThe adoption of marketing is nearly as old as humanity itself.   Whenever there is a consumer demanding a product or service and a supplier willing to supply such good, marketing is adopted.   The marketing philosophy essentially entails the strategic organizational aim of determining needs and wants of selected markets and providing goods and services that satisfy such wants in a more efficient and effective way than competitors.   In the last decade several organizations started following such principle in order to endure in the market.For instance, McDonald’s Corporation applies a strong marketing orientation.   They are constantly keen on what the customer wants and change their products and services accordingly.   For example, McDonald’s adopted the philosophy of ‘QSC & V’ to attract and retain clients.   It stands for quality, service, cleanliness and value.   They guarantee that clients enter a spotless clean rest aurant and are served by friendly personnel.   Indeed employees are carefully thought the art of servicing clients in all regions across the world.Recently the aforementioned marketing concept has evolved to consider also the need of society.   The societal marketing philosophy, as it is commonly known, comprises that apart from determining the needs and wants of clientele in target markets and delivering goods and services that better than competitors, these goods and services are also provided in a way that sustain the society’s well-being.This is a challenging principle as one can note.   However, some meticulous organizations are already following it.   For example, when the tampered cyanide-laced capsules of Tylenol were marketed by Johnson & Johnson and ended up killing a number of persons, the company immediately collected back all the defective goods, even though the corporation supposed that the pills had been altered only in a few retail shops.   Although the collection expenses amounted to $240 million, the company managed to keep customers’ confidence and loyalty on the products offered, leading such good to remain a leading pain reliever in its market.1.1   Need for market researchAs one can note, to successfully adopt an effective marketing orientation, it is important that managers are fully aware of the customers needs and wants.   To further compound the issue, today’s markets are extremely dynamic and susceptible to change.   For example, car manufacturers are extremely keen on customer tastes in order to produce vehicles in line with such wants.   Therefore management is required to be constantly on the alert of what the client is demanding.   The effectiveness of marketing intelligence systems to obtain such information is weak. The need thus arose of obtaining information directly from the market through marketing research.The marketing research process consists of the following four steps: · Defi ning the problem and research objectives – market management and researchers define thoroughly the problem at hand and the research objectives that can aid in solving such issue. · Developing the research plan – the information needed is determined at this stage.   Researchers will then seek the secondary data already available and how the primary data can be obtained.  Ã‚   Primary market data can be achieved through a variety of marketing research mediums available, such as experimental research, observational research and more. · Implementing the research plan – once the methods of collecting information are set, the collection of such information commences in this stage together with the processing and analyzing of such information gathered. · Interpreting and Reporting the findings – the last but not least step is the interpretation of the date collected and presented jointly with valid conclusions.Marketing research is a very expensive bus iness operation, which sometimes may amount to millions of dollars.   However, the information derived is very valuable to the organization and can aid management in good decisions to be a market leader.   A typical example that comes to mind is the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) venture in the Japanese market.Such market seems impenetrable by many American and European organizations.   The non-tariff barriers, the iron grip of the keiretsu kigyi (banking groups), and the committed Japanese workforce make it very complex for an outside firm to infiltrate their market.   KFC, yet, was capable to enter this market and is actually performing better than the United States Market.   As a matter of fact, in the 90s the 1,470 Asian outlets sales averaged 60% more than the United States average.Through vigilant marketing research the KFC management, comprehended that in large Asian cities there is an increasing absorption of young middle-class workforce with growing income who are e ager to pay further for American-style restaurants.   This exposed the viability of the project to KFC managers.   Market research also brought to KFC attention that the number of Asian women in the labour force is increasing considerably, who has a smaller amount of time for food preparation at home and consequently the need for fast-food restaurants in Asia is increasing.   With this information KFC management instantaneously recognised the strategic window of opportunity that is available and took appropriate action to operate fruitfully in that market.1.2   Marketing Mix ElementsThe marketing mix concept originated from Neil. H. Borden who suggests the utilization of the four main controllable variables of management to reach the marketing orientation approach.   The marketing mix elements are the following: · Product – there are three levels of products, which the organization should classify their products in, because customer attitude and response would be different under each category.   These are augmented, actual and core products.   In marketing, the product quality and features are not the only elements that form a good product.   Today’s fierce competition demands that managers also focus on the product design apart from the ones previously mentioned.   Nike, for example, employs 60 designers and issue 500 different footwear designs each year.   Attention should also be directed towards branding, product packaging and labeling.  Ã‚   These are important features to attain market leadership.Every product or service marketed passes through a life, commonly known as product life cycle.   These are product development stage, introduction, growth, maturity and decline.   The other marketing mix elements described below should be in line with the stage the product is in to ensure a proper market orientation. ·   Price – the price decision is also an important one.   Management can choose from three main categories, being cost based pricing methods, market pricing methods and competition based pricing methods.   The selection of the optimal price depends on internal and external variables.   Internal factors affecting pricing decisions are:   marketing objectives, marketing-mix strategies, costs and organizational considerations.   The external factors are:   market features and demand, competitors’ costs, prices and offers and other external factors like economic conditions. · Distribution – the distribution channels utilized should be effective in order to ensure that the product is delivered more effectively than competitors.   There are different number of distribution channels used, like direct-marketing channel in which no intermediary levels are adopted, vertical marketing system and horizontal marketing system.   Under the latter two intermediaries are used. · Promotion – the promotion mix is a very expensive but effective marketin g mix element.   It can for instance sustain a product brand.   Promotion is also important to inform clients about the product or services offered especially at the introductory stage of a product/service.   The mass-promotion tools available are advertising, sales promotion and public relations.   These should be designed and implemented carefully to maximize their effectiveness.   Likewise it is important that personal selling maintain the messages adopted in the promotion mix through the sales force behavior with clients.1.3   Final Thought – Benefits of MarketingEven though marketing seems elaborate it is very fruitful for a firm.   By understanding the customer we can reach the clients and sell our goods.   Client retention and market leadership can also be attained with the aid of marketing.   Failure to apply marketing to understand the client can be detrimental.   .   For instance, Disney made the fatal mistake of not separating European custome rs with American ones in the Euro Disney project.They originally designed a park similar to the American one, incorrectly neglecting the cultural differences that exist.   For example, they adopted a policy of serving no alcohol in the park.   This was extremely unpleasant to such culture because in France wine is habitual for lunch and dinner.   Thus the organization suffered $921 million losses in the first financial year, and had to rapidly change some aspects of the park in order to survive in the European market.References:Hartley R. (2000).   Management Mistakes & Successes.   Sixth Edition.   New York:   John Wiley & Sons Inc.Hume S (1990).   Advertising Age.   McDonald’s Fred Turner:   making all the right moves.Kotler P.; Armstrong G.; Saunders J.; Wong V. (1999).   Principles of Marketing.   Second Edition.   London:   Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tourism in Turkey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tourism in Turkey - Research Paper Example 2008). Lemon et al., argues that life satisfaction increases with the frequency and the intimacy of the recreational activity (1972). While this remains so tourism helps meet the psychological needs for recreation and leisure (Ryan and Deci 2000). Tourism also combines within it the search for experiences that are new in life. It could be considered as part of one’s interests to learn, to buy, to eat, to explore/watch/see and to do something new. Behind every tourist enterprise a combination of factors, individually and collectively, determine the destination. The process of perceiving a place as one’s tourist destination is an important area in tourism related research. In this paper I briefly attempt to understand the possibilities offered by tourism in Turkey. The attempt is primarily from the perspective of understanding the potentials of Turkey to offer, and attract, the tourist with a stress free, romantic and collectively enjoyable holiday period. The paper also discusses such aspects of tourism as are related with its psychological aspects, aspects that are exclusively associated with the perception of images and places while deciding one’s tourist destinations, and the theoretical dimensions of discussing tourism from other possible perspectives. This attempt is precisely oriented towards understanding Turkey as a tourist site and as located within such multiple theoretical concerns related with its tourism possibilities. Turkey constitutes a bridge between Asia and Europe and has constantly been subjected to, and influenced by, the cultures of these two continents. Turkey is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa and is a gateway to both the East and the West. It shares its bounderies with Asian countries of Iran, Iraq and Caucasian countries like Georgia, Armenia and the European countries of Greece and Bulgaria. Apart from the fact it

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Terrorism - Essay Example ychological concept of chosen trauma is the basis of a section of the society taking retaliatory action against the rest of the society or the part of the society that the group feels has historically oppressed them, without feeling guilty or even considering the adverse effect of their retaliatory actions (Volkan, 2004). This concept is related to terrorism in the sense that; terrorism consists of a group of people in the society who are seeking to attack the rest of the society or at least target the section of the society as a way of avenging for a perceived historical injustice or oppression against them (Volkan, 2004). In this respect, the terrorists engage in attacking and causing harm to the rest of the society without considering that they themselves could be doing something wrong, since chosen trauma makes them feel justified to react to a perceived historical injustice that they feel is unresolved (Volkan, 2004). The sociological aspect of terrorists’ fear of victory refers to the characteristic of terrorism that is different from the rest of violence that are perpetrated in the society. The aspect of terrorists’ fear of victory means that the aim of terrorism is not to perpetrate either terror or violence on their own sake, but with a more unpronounced objective of either instilling fear on the target victims, or to achieve victory through coercing the target victim to fulfill a premeditated intention of the terrorists (Fine, 2008). Terrorism is a form of violence that does not in itself seek to attain personal gains as does with most victims, but to achieve the objectives of a certain section of the society that wants either to make a political statement or instill fear of being a potentially harmful section of the society that is capable of forcing the society to take certain decisions that the society may not be voluntarily open to (Gregg, 2014). Therefore, when terrorists plan an act of terror towards any section of the society, the intention

Charles Schwab & Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Charles Schwab & Company - Case Study Example Moreover, the company offers services with low commission charges which result in huge revenues and consumer trust. The recent sale of the â€Å"US Trust† has decreased profitability. Since the company operates in only a few countries it has a risk of losing business. The aging population in countries it operates like Hong Kong, USA and UK are likely to increase demand for insurance and other retirement and corporate services the firm offers. The positive prospects of the asset management industry are likely to bring benefits to the firm. Despite the opportunities, the firm is likely to be affected by the global recession which has reduced demand. The increasing number of new entrants in the market will increase competition for the firm. Volatility in financial markets can cause Charles and Schwab & Company’s profits to decline. The firm should continue to prioritize consumers and quality product in order to retain profitability. It can start operations in other countries that may have potential demand for the services offered. The company can modify and polish its services by offering new convenient plans for its potential customers in order to combat competition. Market research should be conducted to offer services that are better than competitors in order to retain market share. The firm was the first discount brokerage company. Its strategy is to empower individual investors by offering discounts and convenient plans. It was the first to offer 24 hours a day and 7 days a week services. Moreover, it offered automated telephone services(Rimma Kats,2011). It used the strategy to ease the consumer by offering automated online and cell phone facilities to increase market share and profits. The firm has an organized system for the smooth running of the company. The firm has maintained different department. Each department handles a particular aspect. The firm has specialists to maintain and develop software for its mobile commerce facility. The firm well identifies the marketing segment for each service it offers and modifies its packages for different units.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Media Sex and Violence - Past and Present Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Sex and Violence - Past and Present - Essay Example They are interested in shows that satisfy their aggressive nature and thus they turn toward believing violent reports subconsciously. While defining his media theory, Sparks (2009, p.3) asserts that â€Å"Perhaps the effects of media violence are difficult for people to detect in themselves- even though the effects are definitely present.† Negative effects of sex and violence on children Parents and teachers have always been concerned and looking for answers regarding what effects violence and sex in media can imprint on young developing brains. As technology media grows significantly and presents newer and smarter media types, the American youth is the first to get affected thanks to increased availability and affordability of media sources. When the television shows violent programs, then it is to be blamed in mutating the minds of the youngsters from incorruptibility to violence. Violent media arrives with concerns relating to addiction, anxiety, dejection, brutality and ag gression that develop in young minds. Last decade has shown an increase in violence rate among children in the United States and studies show that children are increasingly being treated for anger management thanks to the violent shows and programs shown on television. Children tend to have less-developed ability of decision-making or critical thinking so they cannot realize what is wrong with what they are viewing and their minds learn or absorb every act they see. When a child watches the violent or sexual acts, the energy generated by the fantasy keeps the physical responses from getting expressed. So, when this energy gets its chance, it gets expressed in the real life. Moreover, girls are experiencing very early menstruation and boys are entering into adolescence very early because of being exposed to the bold television shows which hastens their puberty. â€Å"Several longitudinal studies have linked exposure to sex in the media to earlier onset of sexual intercourse†, says Wood (2009). Negative effects of sex and violence on adults â€Å"Research on violent television and ?lms, video games, and music reveals unequivocal evidence that media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts†, assert Anderson et al. (2003, p.81). They further state that violence shown in media is responsible for the development of aggressive behavior and thoughts among the adults (Sics, 2011; Boxer et al., 2009). This can also result in abuse in relationships. Desensitization regarding violence and sex occurs. The physiological arousal that results from sexual content shown by media tends to initiate frustration which then comes out in the form of spouse abuse, rape, homicides, and sexual activities. Research suggests that today, the number of adults watching violent and sexual media through different media sources are increasing day by day and it is frustrating to guess where it will end up. Recomme ndations Media literacy is necessary, both in the adults and the children. In case of children, it is important for the parents to work out some parental mediation interventions so that the children’

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Alexander and Diogenes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alexander and Diogenes - Essay Example Alexander was greeted by everyone when he met Diogenes, except Diogenes himself, who spoke to Alexander rudely when the former asked the latter if he could do anything for him. Highet (10) writes that Diogenese said, â€Å"Stand to one side. You’re blocking the sunlight†. Although the crowd awaited Alexander’s reaction to this rude remark, they were amazed to hear him say that he preferred being Diogenes if he were not Alexander. â€Å"If I were not Alexander, I should be Diogenes† (Highet 10). This meant that he considered Diogenes as a free person, unafraid and bold, not thinking about what effect his saying would have on the listener. He, sort of, saw his own image in the beggar’s style and pride. He came to know that, on earth, it was either Alexander, the King, or Diogenes, the beggar, who were free and independent in their choice of speech and action. Highet made this historical story even more compelling, by giving it the form of an essay. The message that can be extracted through this is that the real human being is one who is bold enough to use his free will. When we say that a person is free, we mean that he lives by his own value system, which is so strong that he is not afraid of whether the people around him approve of or disapprove his speech and actions. The main theme is about simplicity. One must not get indulge in the complexities of life. Simplicity is what makes life beautiful, and also makes one understand his true self, because it is in simplicity that one collides with nature and recognizes his worth. â€Å"He knew that of all men then alive in the world only Alexander the conqueror and Diogenes the beggar were truly free† (Highet, 10), means that even Kings realize the importance of those people whom they consider as inferior, just because of strong values and confidence. It also means that even beggars a re considered as inspirational, if they are free and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Memo - Assignment Example 34). Generally, it is a set of hardware, software, people, policies and procedures essential in the creation, management, distribution, usage, storage and revocation of digital certificates as exchanged through unsecure channels such as the internet. The PKI provides an opportunity for a digital certificate, which makes it possible to identify an individual or an organization using the internet (Mjà ¸lsnes 104). Further, it is possible to store and at the same time revoke certificates given to individuals and organizations. There are still vendor services and approaches for the PKI, just as experts work on the internet standard for the same. The Wi-Fi Alliance (WPA), an intermediate measure meant to take place of WEP was implemented through upgraded firmware on wireless network interface cards, purposely designed for WEP (Doherty 137). However, because changes in the wireless access points (WPA) were more extensive compared to those needed on the network cards, it was impossible to upgrade most of the pre-2003 WAPs. The solution to this problem was the development of the WPA2. LoÃŒ pez, Javier, Pierangela Samarati, and Josep L. Ferrer.  Public Key Infrastructure: 4th European Pki Workshop : Theory and Practice, Europki 2007, Palma De Mallorca, Spain, June 28-30, 2007 : Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2007. Print. Mjà ¸lsnes, Stig F, S Mauw, and Sokratis K. Katsikas.  Public Key Infrastructure: 5th European Pki Workshop : Theory and Practice, Europki 2008, Trondheim, Norway, June 16-17, 2008 : Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2008.

Friday, August 23, 2019

UK Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK Politics - Essay Example Hover the UK does not have a written constitution but it's governed by convections which are non statutory rules and are equally binding. The monarch is advised by ministers who hail from parliament and it appoints the prime minister, approves legislation and confers honors. As a head of state the monarch is the head of the armed forces. The British monarch (the queen) today has two roles that of head of state and as head of the nation. As the head of sate for Britain she plays an important role in undertaking important constitutional and representational duties. E.g. opening of parliament, approving of the orders in of council, signing acts of parliament plus meeting and conversing with the prime minister and ministers concerning state matters. Other duties include those of representing the state of Britain to the outside world In relation to the government of UK that is headed by a prime minister. The British parliament consists of the monarchy as where the queen is the head, the House of Lords and the House of Commons-which posses the dominant political power hence always supports the government of the day. Her maj esty duties involve the opening of new sessions of parliament and addressing it through the queen's speech. (Drafted by the government and outlines the government agenda), issuance of prorogue, dissolving parliament, assenting to bills and approving orders and proclamations through the Privy Council. Parliament can only meet without a royal summon if the sovereign head has died and parliament is not running. Other duties concern the devolve units of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. On April 10th 1998 the Northern Ireland assembly was formed as part of the Good Friday agreement. It has authority over all devolved responsibilities. The assembly has full legislative authority over education, agriculture, health, social services and on wealth creation. Scotland on the other hand has two parliaments. The Westminster assembly legislates on matters that touch on the whole UK as a state while the one in Edinburgh legislates for the devolved domestic matters. The legislation for legislation was taken from Scotland in 1707 and taken to London till the 21st century on September 1997 when the majority of the Scots voted for a Scottish parliament in a plebiscite. The parliament was official opened by the queen on July 1999 and the new building officially opened by the queen in 2004. It has jurisdiction over primary legislation on matters that concern education, police, environment, economic development law and sets the basic rate of income tax among others. The members of p arliament of the Scottish parliament take the oath of allegiance to the crown. The parliament's first minister is appointed by the queen and receives weekly report from the Scottish parliament. This is done under the statutory law that established the parliament. Wales's power on legislation was devolved in 2006 where the Wales assembly has had power and authority to pass laws to address the local issues in Wales such as on health and education. These acts are passed without the approval of the UK-Parliament. These actions of devolution are clearly

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Attitudes to Language Essay Example for Free

Attitudes to Language Essay Language clearly plays a major role in all aspects of society. The most obvious is its social role of allowing people to relate to each other in all facets of their lives: to share information, emotions and ways of life. We use language as a means of navigating our daily lives and it plays an integral role in most of our interactions. Perhaps for this reason, French is regarded as an elegant and romantic language, while German is considered to be guttural. Additionally, ever since mankind evolved into different language communities, it is commonplace for people to adopt various attitudes towards the language(s) spoken by others, as well as towards the dialects of the language they speak. These attitudes are motivated by different factors, including pride in or shame regarding one’s own language, confidence or embarrassment about how one sounds, nationalism and a sense of personal dignity, one’s status and values as well as the prestige some languages are given in international interactions. A well known attitude is the desire for foreign speech patterns; another is the rejection of certain dialects. People form impressions of your personality, emotional state, geographic origin, education, experiences, age or socioeconomic status from the language you use and the way you use it. We often witness the amusement of an audience when someone speaks in the creole, for not only does the system of sound evoke laughter, but the assumption that the speaker is an uneducated serf is then made. Ridicule and contempt for the vernacular, creoles and dialects are common responses from some members of society, even within the Caribbean society, where dialects are rich, strong and the first language. Dialects develop under various circumstances as well as geographical locations and are varieties of languages. A creole could be a dialect within a language. Because of our history, people of the region tend to place a high premium on the standard languages (the language of power and economic might). Many  people believe that upward mobility is largely dependent on one’s ability to fit in with the predominant socioeconomic class, and language is the main signifier of this fit. Many Caribbean writers have described scenarios of people who went overseas, were generally expected to return with a new command of the target language and often demonstrated their new found ‘status’ by emphasizing their foreign accent of ‘twang’. While some might be impress ed by the ‘twang’, others view such pretensions with derision. Attitudes to language may vary from one sector of the society to another and some people demonstrate self-conscious behavior when speaking the standard language. This is largely a result of the fact that in most societies one is often judged on the basis of the variety of language that one speaks. This is even more prevalent in societies with a colonial legacy, like the Caribbean, where certain dialects are associated with the institution of slavery or conquest. Increasingly, educators are becoming aware that a person’s native language is an integral part of who that person is and marginalizing the language can have severe damaging effects on that person’s psyche. Many linguists consistently make a case for teaching native languages alongside the target languages so that children can clearly differentiate among the codes ( a term used synonymously with language or dialect but generally refers to a linguistic system of communication. A code can also be non-linguistic such as a dress code or code of conduct) and hence be less likely to mix the two. This approach has been adopted in Haiti, where schools teach both Standard French and French Creole (Haitian) and children are expected to be fluent in both. Additional prominence has been given to Caribbean Creoles with the publication of Creole dictionaries and with the translation of the New Testament from the Christian Bible into French Creole in St. Lucia. A similar project is under way in Jamaica. While attitudes to local dialects have been slowly changing, many people still associate the use of Creole with negative images and believe that its use should be relegated to specific circumstances and occasions. However, the fact that non-standard language varieties are the most widely spoken in the Caribbean makes them the choice of persons trying to get information to large sections of the society. For example, many advertisers use the Creole language to ensure that their message appeals to most people. At the same time, because of the prestige attached to the standard language, it tends to be the language of choice on formal occasions, like church services. A language variety is usually chosen because of its perceived social functions. You may have noticed that, the more formal the occasion, the more likely the use of the standard language, while for everyday interaction, popular music or emotional appeals, people tend to gravitate towards the non-standard varieties. You would have noticed that, even in a formal situation, non-standard dialect might be used for anecdotes, to inject humour or in a quotation. In the Caribbean, people switching from one code of language to another, often without thinking. However, there are times when the use of standard langue would seem totally out of place and would even interfere with semantics. For example, folk stories, folk songs and proverbs seem to lose a certain essence when translated into standard. The role of language as a vehicle for sharing culture is indisputable. Caribbean writers, singers and oral poets have played a major part in fostering acceptance of the Creole languages of the region, by incorporating them into their work and exposing them to the world. Nonetheless, negative attitudes to these languages persist in the minds of many.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

6 Skills you need to success Essay Example for Free

6 Skills you need to success Essay While we all aspire to climb to the top of our respective professions, but from time to time we come up against a roadblock, a barrier that slows our climb to the top. Whether you are being consistently overlooked in favor of someone else who is a bit more productive or perhaps there is just some intangible quality that allows other people to get ahead of you, it can be immensely frustrating to be denied a job you know you could excel in. With this in mind, we decided to consider the six skills you need to succeed. It is worth noting that all of these skills are transferable and have as much relevance in your personal life as they do in your professional life. Just as importantly, these are all skills that can be learned, so no one should feel that they are at a disadvantage with any of these. Work on them and you will reap the rewards accordingly. After reading this, the career ladder will suddenly seem a much easier climb than it did before. 1- Speaking skills Whether you are hustling for a promotion when you bump into a CEO in an elevator or making an important speech at an international conference, the ability to speak with a wide variety of people is an absolute essential. Good eye contact, a varied vocabulary and the ability to tailor your language to suit your audience are all essential characteristics of an artful speaker. Being a good speaker will give you presence and make you memorable to those who are listening. Practice talking with anyone and everyone you meet, look for a debating society or a Toastmasters group. The  rewards are worth it. Being more adept in social situations and being better equipped to network successfully will help you forge working relationships that could be very advantageous to you in the future. It will also be useful to you for performing duties as a best man. 2- Confidence in decision making Nothing says mediocrity like indecision. A good leader is decisive and will always back himself up when making the correct decision. If you want to be considered leadership material, you have to possess these characteristics. If you are paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong, you will end up doing nothing, which is worse than trying something and failing. A lot of high-fliers are prepared to take risks knowing that a mistake can be corrected. Learn to evaluate different decisions for their pros and cons, and make decisions that will take you closer to completing a given task. The key is to make sure that your decisions are thought out and reasoned. Be confident in your judgment and believe in yourself to get things right. Don’t just play it safe every time — you will blend into the wallpaper and no one will notice you. Putting yourself on the line will earn you respect, and if your decisions turn out to be right, you can expect to be rewarded for your efforts. 3- Accountability Another major part of being successful is accepting responsibility, both for successes and failures. If you want other people to respect you, acknowledge your errors rather than trying to blame someone else for your shortcomings. Everyone makes mistakes, but the real test is how you react to that. Putting yourself in the firing line is the mark of a man who wants to achieve great things and is prepared to be scrutinized. It is a sign of confidence and self-belief, and is a key ingredient among men who want to be successful. Being able to admit you have made a mistake is also a sign of humility and can garner respect from your employees. A useful way to hold yourself accountable is to scrutinize your to-do lists, see what you accomplished and what you did not. Look at ways you can improve your performance and take appropriate steps to correct mistakes yourself. Three more skills you need to succeed after the jump 4- A positive attitude Being positive about work and life is also essential to success. While your colleagues may laugh at your endless cynicism and misanthropic tendencies, your boss will see you as someone who hates his job and who will never support the aims of the company. We should distinguish between the occasional bad day (although you should always try to minimize this and remain upbeat no matter how trying the circumstances) and being consistently pessimistic. The eternal pessimist will always try to drag other people down and will probably be less productive. If you can cultivate a positive outlook, you will encourage others to be more positive. Youll also be more productive and possibly more credible as someone with executive potential. A positive attitude is entirely self-determined and can be helped by accentuating the positives in any situation. Don’t see problems; see solutions. 5- Self-presentation Learning how to present yourself to others is another major aspect of being successful. Good grooming and, in particular, smart attire will project an image of success to other people — before you have even said a word. Wearing a well-cut suit, quality shoes and an elegant timepiece speak of a man who takes pride in his appearance. High sartorial standards indicate someone who has high standards generally, and this will cause people to view you favorably. A huge amount of your impact on colleagues, bosses or clients will be based on how well put together you appear. And while substance is crucial, having a great style to support it is no bad thing. Read fashion magazines and think about visiting a hairstylist rather than a barber. If you can afford it, have suits and shoes made to measure; they will fit much better than off-the-rack goods. Don’t forget that the way you look also enhances the way you feel about yourself, making you more confident. 6- Time management skills It doesn’t matter how well you dress, how positive you are or how well-spoken you are if you cannot keep everything under control. Disorganization means that you will be forever playing catch-up with your work, rushing to meet  deadlines and producing work below par. Learn to keep a detailed diary, listing deadlines and setting a schedule for your work, to ensure it is all done with time to spare. Your work will be of better quality and you will be entrusted with increased responsibility. It will also afford you additional leisure time. It is a key element to success and well worth practicing. This means overcoming procrastination (which we can all be guilty of at times), setting goals that are challenging (but realistic) and trying to use your time efficiently. Don’t check your e-mails 17 times every hour; spend that time writing up that project that is due tomorrow. Ideally, you will reach a stage when you can get ahead of the curve and start taking on additional projects and responsibilities — a surefire way of setting yourself up for that promotion. Success is simple when you follow these professional skills success is simple There you have it: An essential list to help you move up in the world and stake your claim in business. There are more, of course, but no other general guide is more comprehensive. A final word of advice: Worry not about an intangible trait you may not have. If you have not been born and raised as the best communicator or dealmaker, you can make your mark with expertise in a specific field or venture. As long as you make your mark in something, the sky is the limit. Just keep in mind that the best of the best have a wide scope of knowledge and do not focus on one area alone.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Heat Exchange In Refrigerator System

Heat Exchange In Refrigerator System INTRODUCTION The intend heat exchangers, such as condensers and evaporators, very much influences energy effectiveness of the refrigeration system. A properly designed heat exchanger will not simply helps decrease energy consumption but in addition reduce cost and increase storage volume. Recovering energy efficiency and reducing cost essentially poses a multi objective optimization problem. As these objectives are differing, no single design will satisfy both at the same time. Generally, heat exchanger optimization can be classified into system-level optimization and component-level optimization as in system-level optimization. a complete system is analyzed while component level analysis is performed by separating the heat exchanger from the system by providing proper junction boundary conditions. Previously it has been used design optimization methods, which are merely thermodynamic in nature, for example entropy generation minimization (EGM) The main concept of EGM is that if entropy, which measures the irreversibility of the system and minimized followed by systems performance improvement the technique is used to optimize heat-exchanger list between the condenser and evaporator. The resultant system from the analysis is the good   energy efficient, but   may not be good for an economic point of view a new approach was projected which integrates economics with thermodynamic optimization, which means   the ‘‘thermo-economics approach. Th ermo-economics blends two very dissimilar fields thermodynamics and economics, making it predominantly suitable to design thermal systems with efficiency and capital cost. (Gholap et.,2007 ) . Condensation heat transfer, equally inside and outside horizontal tubes, plays a main role in refrigeration the science of condensation heat transfer has been adopted a substitute working fluids and new improved surfaces for heat exchangers. (Cavallini, A etal.,2003) Literature review Literature review and discussion for heat exchange in refrigerator system There are many   publications focus on heat exchangers in an refrigerator system   has have quite a lot of design variables such as geometry, surface finish, Material In this work. These variables are inhibited by various reasons such as manufacturing capability and space limitation. Heat exchanger has many variables, e.g. number of rows, width, fin density, tube diameter, tube spacing, fin spacing, etc. Dependent variables are the characteristics of the design household refrigerators, energy consumption, cost, and internal volume can serve as independent variables. (Gholap,,2007 ) describe heat optimizing system in an refrigerator system the study was proposed considering overall energy-consumption and heat-exchanger with low cost material which was multi-objective optimization problem. Thus he tried to calculated over all energy-consumption   by adding the energies consumed by the compressor, fan motors, and defrost heater for a 24 hours period and heat-exchanger   costs of material were calculated by means of   individual weight of the coil multiplied through the rate per unit and weight of the correspond metal in the market. His researched   was focus on various kinds of design of the condenser for heat optimizing, most household refrigerators has   wire-on-tube design for the condenser and finned tube Design for the evaporator which is used extensively according to research heat exchanger is divided into along length, height and depth each of element has refrigerant and air steam. However, heat optimizing system does not show much development Thus, The designer can prefer a resolution based on the manufacturers strategic direction regarding cost and the Energy-consumption requirement. A research on wire on tube condenser by (Lee, TH.,2001) observes the correlation on the airside heat transfer coefficient of wire-on-tube type heat exchangers by   using single layer tube   rather than using bundles of tubes. The improved correlations were based on Zhukauskas correlation which discussed via the numerical analysis. Thus Concluding the ratio of Zhukauskas correlation for a single cylinder to the heat transfer coefficient across to the air flow in the wire-on-tube type heat exchanger is constant and the heat transfer parallel to the air flow in the wire-on-tube type heat exchanger. Hence, Zhukauskas correlation has a more accurate prediction result compared to the existing cases. Another research was proposed by (Yang, C, 2005) presenting the numerical results of the consequence of dissimilar parameters on the performance of capillary tube-suction line heat exchangers (CT-SLHX), together with condensing and evaporating temperatures, degrees of sub cooling and superheat, tube diameter, tube length, and refrigerant flow inlet quality. The effects of different geometric and operation circumstances on the capillary tube performance and investigated that the best design present capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger exists about 3 K of sub cooling and 1.4-1.6 m of the heat exchanger length. Further found that R-134a performs better in terms of heat transfer rate and evaporator capacity than R-600a and heat transfer rate from the capillary tube to the suction line decreases by about 8-10% when non-adiabatic inlet arrangement is used compared with adiabatic Wire-on-tube Design The most extensively used condenser in refrigerant system since many years is wire-on-tube design used for the condenser and finned tube design intended for the evaporator. Wire-on-tube type heat exchanges consists of tube bundles within which a heat transfer medium such as refrigerant is strained to flow, whereas a second heat transfer fluid like air is concentrating transversely through tubes. As the airside thermal resistance of this heat exchanger is much advanced than that of refrigerant side, improved surfaces such as wires straight welded on the sequence of tubes are engaged to successfully reduce the resistance as in the other finned tube heat exchangers. Even though these are widely used in home refrigerator for low cost and simple making, the general design data and correlation for the airside heat transfer be not easily obtainable. This makes additional studies have been focused on the research area for cycle matching and frosting. The airside heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger will be able to calculated using the following two methods: The heat transfer coefficient of tubes and wires can be obtained, respectively, by multiplying Zhukauskas correlation by correction factor Results is formulated directly by performing the heat transfer experiment on wire-on-tube heat exchanger. (Lee,TH.,2001) Capillary Tube-suction Line Heat Exchange Optimizing a capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger is beneficial designers for vapour compression refrigeration systems and better enhancement of the system performance. A capillary tube is extensively used in household refrigerators owing to its low cost and effortlessness. It improves the system capability by minimizing the evaporators inlet-enthalpy. In addition it act as a shield for the compressor and increases the inlet temperature. (Gholap 2007) .The capillary tube and the suction line figure a counter-flow heat exchanger. Refrigerant vapour is condensed as of the evaporator to the condenser in process and is packed together in the condenser throughout the process. A non-adiabatic throttling procedure is implicated throughout process where heat is transferred from the capillary tube to the suction line throughout process, while at the same time heat is separate from the evaporator for the duration of process The heat transfer from the capillary tube to the suction line over and over again leads to the upgrading in the thermodynamic efficiency of the system owing to the condensed refrigerant quality and towards the inside of the evaporator. Moreover, the transfer of heat to the suction line ensures the refrigerant vapour enters the compressor by this means of eliminating suction line sweating and preventing slugging of the compressor. The capillary tube has been extensively investigated even though a few numerical models of t he non-adiabatic capillary tubes are existing but there require understanding on some flow phenomena within a tube, such as the reverse heat transfer, the re-condensation, and the chocked flow of the condenser in a refrigeration system. Some phenomena possibly will cause unstable flow in the capillaries the two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient has commonly been believed to be infinite. This hypothesis may be unsuitable in situations, where re-condensation or overturn heat transfer possibly will occur from the suction line to the capillary tube under distant operating conditions. This precise hypothesis of infinite heat transfer has been undisturbed in the present model by using suitable two-phase heat transfer correlations to reproduce the actual flow performance inside the capillary tubes. As a result a numerical investigation of refrigerant flow due to non-adiabatic capillary tubes through modifying the computer model developed. (Gholap 2007) Numerical Model Restricted element approach and suitable heat transfer correlations are integrated into the model to calculate the performance of the capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger. This model is of two modes: Design mode: to calculate the capillary tube length for the specified refrigerant flow rate, Simulate mode: to estimate the refrigerant flow rate for the particular tube length. . The finite-element The model comprises the operating surroundings of the refrigeration system, geometrical Parameters of the capillary tube-suction line heat exchanger and refrigerant properties. This capillary tube separated into three sections. Adiabatic inlet region (connecting the condenser), the heat exchange region and the adiabatic Outlet region (connecting the evaporator).refrigerant flow inside the capillary tube comprises of two regions: the single-phase region and the two-phase region. Numerical solution is conceded out and separating the flow domain into small essentials by the side of the capillary tube and the suction line. The length of each control volume model is 1 mm. Homogeneous flow theory analyzes the two-phase flow inside the capillary tube. The model is based on the conservation of mass, momentum and energy; these equations are solved at the same time all through an iterative process. Within the design, the mass flow rate is an input and the sum of total length of the capillary tube is an output, whilst in the replicate case, the capillary tube length is an input and the mass flow rate is an output, which is evaluated iterative process, The calculated length is compared among the given capillary tube total length, thus the supposed mass flow rate can be adjusted. (Yang, 2005) Enhanced tubes of condensers Air-cooled in addition to water-cooled condensers with in-tube condensation of refrigerants are extensively used in water chillers, air-conditioners .Trying to replicate the physics of the condensation procedure analysis on condensation of refrigerants believe to be the transition faced next to the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry in recent years, An introduction of latest ozone friendly refrigerants as substitute for CFCs and HCFCs. Condensation with horizontal tubes, the two point flow is conquered by vapour shear or gravity forces. At the same time annular flow pattern has high vapour shear, wavy and slug flows become visible when gravity is the controlling force. In refrigeration applications with halogenated working fluids, better tubes are frequently used in bundle condensation. Tubes with two-dimensional or three-dimensional external fins are used in few cases they can also be internally amplified to increase the water-side heat transfer coefficients, when fouling is not a problem Bundle condensation has investigated, for reliability in heat transfer. The use of geotropic mixtures combination with bundle condensation should be dejected as it can give rise to relevant refrigerant composition shift. (Cavallini A et al., 2003) Research question HOW TO HEAT OPTIMIZING TECHNIQUE AND EFFICIENCY IN HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATOR SYSTEM? AIMS The study of the project proposal is based on optimizing heat exchangers in the house hold refrigerator systems. A multi-objective optimization procedure is implements and finding out optimal design which minimise energy consumption and material cost for the household refrigerator systems. The study considers various design of optimization of heat exchangers. Objective To research on properly designed heat exchanger that will help to decrease energy consumption. To carried out a literature review on reducing the energy consumption   refrigerator systems and also in low cost and increase the volume storage Research method Research method is a process of getting better knowledge and understanding of work from peoples those who previously experienced and in some of the research is to take action on previous peoples understanding (Marshall and Rossman, 1999). In a research data can be collected from two sources primary research and secondary research. The primary research is to conducting interviews. These interviews help get knowledge and data for the key research issues and also to get different views of peoples .according to (silverman, 2004) interviewing play a key role in getting an large amount data in quick time .lot of researches make use of interviews to get a clear structure .and in secondary research that data is collection by means of document, previous research, articles, publication and text book. For this research the secondary source has been used. Research design   Research design play a very important role in research to know the topic is researchable or not. The research design has to consider the three elements philosophical assumptions, specific research method and strategies of inquiry and also research question (John, 2009) .For this research. The first task is to find out the research topic which is related to the field and researchable. The choose topic was heat optimizing technique and efficiency in household refrigerator system. Because this topic related to the field and find interesting.After finding the topic the next task was to find literature reviews. After finding all the resource for the topic outline all the important points and start writing. Data collection Data collection involved collecting data by the source of primary and secondary. Collecting data involved in selecting data from different source and the techniques of data, that will collected for the purpose of final research (Silverman, 2004) according to (Sapsford, Roger and   Jupp, Victor;2006) Research doesnt involves in first hand data collection, but it can   also based on the made material available made by other peoples. In this assignment the secondary source has been used to collect data for the research and all the material in the net treated with caution because it can be false. Therefore the data has been collected from the source NORA which is available in Northumbria University and the other source is Northumbria library for referencing text book for this research. Data analysis Data analysis is a process of brining all the collected data and structure for the research. Overview of research Heat exchangers can have several design variables which are controlled by various reasons such as width, fin density, tube diameter, tube spacing, fin spacing, and so on. Energy-consumption and heat-exchanger which form a multi-objective optimization difficulty, Optimization was stopped after 50th generation ever since no additional development was observed. The explanation is divided into two regions.   Region one represent energy efficient and cost-efficient compared with the baseline design. Region two represents both energy and cost is better than for the baseline design. In the case of cost efficient solutions, condenser conductance stays close to its minimum value. For energy-efficient solutions, it stays close to its maximum value with an enhancement in the evaporator conductance thus; region two is most desired optimization. RESOURCES/CONSTRAINTS The mainly used resources need for a research is websites, journals and text books for getting the information and previous research papers and the constraints are Time management for the research Find the research work for writing a literature review. Access to the websites which is held by an engineering organisation. Finding books related to the research topic. Collecting data from different resources. For designing the software used is solid works 2010.